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Call for Feedback: National Science Board Policy Brief on the Public Value of Higher Education

The National Science Board (NSB) released a new policy brief on the public and private benefits of the nation’s higher education institutions. The brief comes at a time when the “private” costs and private “returns” associated with higher education are a topic of frequent policy discussions

The NSB brief joins other recent reports, including the American Academy of Arts & Sciences’ Lincoln Project, in highlighting the broad public value of our higher education system to the nation and emphasizing the need for public investment in its research and educational missions. An accompanying “sense of the Board” statement underscores higher education’s value in fostering a civically engaged society. NSB has asked APLU for feedback on this policy report. APLU is collecting and compiling member comments to share with NSB. Please submit your comments on the Policy Brief here. Alternatively, you can also directly send your comments to feedback@aplu.org by May 25.

**Survey Questions**

  1. Does the brief appropriately portray the value to the public of higher education/university research? Why or why not?
  2. How well does the brief capture the challenges and pressures faced by your campusinstitution?
  3. The brief uses S&E Indicators data to build a case for prioritizing public support for higher education, demonstrating the broad public benefits derived from universities as catalysts for research and workforce development. Are there additional data that would make a stronger case? Would the data and arguments be effective and persuasive tools to increase public support in your state or region? Why or why not?
  4. Other comments or suggestions.
  5. Your name, institution, and email address. May we contact you if we have additional questions?”
  • Council on Governmental Affairs

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