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New Support for Institutions Seeking USDA Grants for Diversifying Food and Ag Professionals

APLU and the Extension Foundation are providing support to institutions interested in applying for USDA NEXTGEN grants. NEXTGEN grants are aimed at enabling 1890 institutions, 1994 institutions, Alaska Native-serving institutions and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions, Hispanic-serving institutions and insular area institutions to build and sustain the next generation of the food, agriculture, natural resources, and human sciences workforce. Grants primarily support talent development through providing student scholarship support, meaningful paid internships, fellowships, and job opportunity matching, and also facilitating opportunities to learn the processes and pathways leading to training and employment in the federal sector.

Examples of support the Extension Foundation is providing eligible institutions include: engagement coordinators, grant development specialists, office hours, and a chatbot to answer questions. The Extension Foundation is also holding an October 6 webinar at 7:30 ET to provide an overview of support resources. Additional information on available technical assistance can be found on Extension Foundation’s technical assistance provider page.

  • Agriculture, Human Sciences & Natural Resources

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