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APLU In The News

  • Progressive Farmer

    Ag Research Spending and the Farm Bill

    Everyone in Congress loves “cutting-edge” agricultural research, they just don’t pay for it very well. The result is that dollar for dollar, U.S. agricultural research spending actually declined over the past decade while China, the European Union, India and Brazil — among others — have increased their investments in agricultural research dollars. Groups committed to…

  • Chemical & Engineering News

    Science ranks high in Biden’s 2024 budget plan

    Investment in climate science and clean energy technologies made it to the top of President Joe Biden’s priorities in his budget plan for fiscal 2024, which begins Oct. 1. Basic scientific research, environmental justice, and agricultural innovation also got big nods.

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Biden’s Budget Calls for a Pell Increase

    President Biden is seeking a third increase to the annual Pell Grant, of $820, as part of his budget request to Congress, which was unveiled Thursday. Department officials said the budget proposal, which is for fiscal year 2024 beginning Oct. 1, would help build a higher education system that grows the middle class, drives the…

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Foxx Backs Stronger Oversight

    Representative Virginia Foxx is planning to leverage the decline in public perception of higher education to usher in a new era of stronger accountability for the nation’s colleges and universities in her role as chairwoman of the House education committee.

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Could Your Syllabus Be More Supportive of Students?

    On the first day of class, many faculty will dedicate time to going over the course syllabus. This is often used as an opportunity to present the syllabus as a “contract” and to make course policies and penalties clear to students.

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Pandemic Higher Ed Relief Funds Kept Students Enrolled and Institutions Open

    More than 18 million college students received federal COVID-19 emergency funds in the last two years—money that helped them stay in college and cover the cost of basic needs, the Education Department found in a new report on the federal aid.

  • Science Magazine

    Ready, Set, Share!

    Physiologist Alejandro Caicedo of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is preparing a grant proposal to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). He is feeling unusually stressed because of a new requirement that takes effect today. Along with his research idea, to study why islet cells in the pancreas stop making insulin…

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Lame Duck Agenda

    In the final month of the 117th Congress, lawmakers are hoping to pass an appropriations bill to fund the government for the fiscal year, codify protections for same-sex and interracial marriages, and push through the annual defense reauthorization bill, among other priorities.

  • Nature

    US mid-term elections: 3 ways science is on the line

    US voters head to the polls tomorrow to choose their representatives for Congress, and the results could have consequences for the science agenda laid out by President Joe Biden and his Democratic party. With recent polling favouring Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives and perhaps the Senate, researchers are anticipating reductions in…

  • Denver Post

    How to Transform Higher Education for a Post-Pandemic World

    Ask Americans about the most important reasons for attending college, and the top considerations they cite are jobs, jobs, and jobs. While there is much to value in the traditional college experience, for the vast majority of students, it comes down to getting a degree that leads to a professionally and financially rewarding job. The…

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