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APLU In The News

  • The Sacramento Bee

    Viewpoints: The Four-Year Degree Myth

    About 4 million freshmen are entering four-year American universities and colleges this fall, and statistics show that only 39 percent of them will actually graduate in four years.

  • E&E News

    As extreme weather harms the Great Lakes, the funding and research needed to adapt to climate change come slowly

    Massive flooding from a 4.5-inch rain soaked the Detroit area last month, overloading local sewer systems and pushing sewage into rivers and lakes. Harmful toxins from a huge algae bloom in Lake Erie temporarily shut down drinking water in Toledo, Ohio. Sometimes even an inch or two of rain in Chicago can overwhelm the city’s…

  • Fox 34 News (Lubbock, TX)

    VIDEO: Tech named as university for Innovation and Economic Prosperity

    Texas Tech was recently designated as an Innovation and Economic Prosperity university. The title was granted by the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. Tech is one of fourteen out of 41 applicants to be selected. President Duane Nellis said the application process was lengthy. He said administrators reached out to alum, faculty, staff…

  • Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

    Tech to host community reception marking university’s designation as IEP university

    Texas Tech President Duane Nellis and his wife, Ruthie, along with other Tech administrators, will meet with community officials at a reception at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center. The reception will honor the university’s designation as an Innovation and Economic Prosperity University, awarded earlier this summer by the Association of Public and…

  • Inside Higher Ed

    Aid Administrators Back Federal Student Unit Record

    The main group representing student aid administrators has backed a proposal to create a federal database that tracks student progress through higher education and into the workforce. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators announced Wednesday that it now supports a “limited” student-unit record system because it would provide more accurate and comprehensive data…

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