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Inaugural University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase on Capitol Hill Spotlights Over 20 Startups Born Out of Federally-Funded University Research

Washington, DC – The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the Association of American Universities (AAU) hosted the inaugural University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase on Capitol Hill tonight, spotlighting 21 startup companies that have created products born out of federally funded, university-based research. House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, House Science Committee Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson, and House Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot all delivered remarks at the event.

“Path-breaking research is fundamental to public universities’ mission,” said APLU President McPherson. “Federal investment in university-based research is essential to addressing the country’s most pressing needs. And we’re thrilled to highlight the startups sparked out of that investment and how university-based research fueling innovation and entrepreneurship across the country.”

“As part of the government-university partnership, research universities support innovation, entrepreneurship, and the commercialization of research that benefits our economy, and ultimately the American taxpayer,” said AAU President Mary Sue Coleman. “With federal support, our universities generate the ideas, products, cures, and businesses – like those highlighted at this event – that power our economy and make our lives better.”

The following universities and startups participated in the showcase:

Arizona State University; Gemneo Bioscience is developing gene-sequencing technology that will enable high-throughput, single-cell resolution of cancer and immune cell transcriptomes.

Cornell University; Combplex designed a system to help beekeepers manage colonies more effectively by giving them tools to remotely monitor their colonies for signs of collapse.

Indiana University; Graspable’s flagship technology, Graspable Math, allows children to learn math in a more intuitive environment and allows teachers to more effectively trach progress.

Iowa State University; Gross-Wen Technologies is developing a revolving algal biofilm system removes phosphorus, nitrogen, and other nutrients from wastewater in a cost-effective manner.

New York University, Geopipe turns existing data about the world and uses it to produce accurate, 3-D virtual models from professional such as architects, video game designers, and real estate developers.

North Carolina State University; Tethis is producing superabsorbent bio-polymers using green materials which perform as well as or better than similar products derived from petrochemicals.

Penn State; Phospholutions developed a technology, RhizoSorb, that allows for controlled release of fertilizer in fields, preventing agricultural runoff from washing downstream.

Rice University; SNOWater developed a nanophotonics, optics and solar energy based modular system that converts high salinity water and polluted water to freshwater.

Stony Brook University; Traverse Biosciences is commercializing a novel class of proprietary drug candidates to treat inflammatory diseases and age-related conditions affecting humans and animals.

Texas A&M University; Stand2Learn provides a wide variety of height adjustable desks for K-12 students, which improve classroom engagement and health of the students.

Texas Tech University; Flow Raider is developing a coating for wind turbine blades that will increase the energy-efficiency of wind turbines while also lowering maintenance costs.

University of California, Davis; Cognivive is a digital neurotherapeutics company that is creating treatments for specific cognitive impairments using virtual and augmented reality platforms.

University of California, San Diego; Tri-D Dynamics uses 3-D printing technology, C-RED, to rapidly manufacture cheap and efficient expendable rocket engines.

University of Cincinnati; Eccrine Systems is designing wearable technology capable of quickly and accurately sensing a wide variety of analytes, such as cortisol and glucose, in sweat.

University of Colorado Boulder; ReForm is developing a low-cost and highly adaptable prosthetic socket technology to make wearing a prosthetic leg more comfortable.

University of Kansas; Digital NanoGenetics LLC is an early stage start-up developing an automated, portables single biomolecule sequencing technology, called exonuclease time-of-flight.

University of Maryland; IonQ Inc is a start-up created to develop and commercialize the world’s first fully expressive, full-stack quantum computer based on trapped ions.

University of Michigan; FlexDex developed a technology that enables highly intuitive, one-to-one mapping of a surgeon’s arm and hand motions to a surgical instrument inside a patient’s body, increasing precision and reducing fatigue.

University of South Florida; Hemolix is a low-cost, mobile health system for the early diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication that is fatal if not detected in time.

Virginia Tech; Acomhal Research is developing a new drug that targets brain cancer stem cells, preventing glioblastoma recurrence and extending the lives of brain cancer patients.

Washington State University; 915 Labs developed microwave-assisted thermal sterilization and pasteurization that kills food-borne pathogens while maintaining nutritional value.

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