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VSA Analytics: A New Data Analytics Tool for Universities

VSA Analytics is an online subscription service that provides a robust, interactive, and user-friendly platform to compare and analyze key performance metrics across colleges and universities.

The platform allows users to build custom visualizations and graphical reports in just minutes instead of institutional research staff spending days searching, downloading, integrating, and analyzing data. Subscribers can also add as many campus users as they would like, download the entire custom dataset, and take advantage of education and training opportunities related to the use of analytics on campus.

Designed to bring flexibility to campus users, VSA Analytics offers more than 25 benchmarking reports based on a custom national dataset containing almost 400 variables from roughly 4,400 institutions. Data include: enrollment, cost of attendance, graduation rate, R&D expenditures, financial aid, admissions, student-faculty ratio, and much, much more.

Each interactive report offers an analysis on a population of institutions defined by the user. In addition, users may benchmark their institution against a custom comparison group. All reports can be downloaded and printed. To view a sample of the platform, go to www.VsaAnalytics.org.

Since APLU and AASCU developed VSA Analytics, we are pleased to offer it to our members as a service for just $1,000 annually, which includes unlimited access for all staff on your campus. This means many more people on campus can get the data they need without having to go to the IR office. Data will be updated regularly with additional data sets added over time in response to the needs of VSA Analytics subscribers. Subscriptions also include access to online training sessions on how to use VSA Analytics and how to best incorporate data generally in campus decision making.

To have your institution subscribe, please visit www.VsaAnalytics.org or please have the appropriate staff member at your institution contact VSA Analytics directly at executivedirector@VsaAnalytics.org.

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