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Economic Engagement Framework

Please suggest resources related to CICEP’s economic engagement framework by sending email to cicep@aplu.org.

Resources Related to Economic Impact Guidelines

Ambargis, Z. O., McComb, T., and Robbins, C. A. (2011). Estimating the Local Economic Impacts of University Activity Using a Bill of Goods Approach.

Krawitz, N. (2011). Creating a Standard Approach to Economic Impact Analysis.

Siegfried, J. J., Sanderson, A. R., and McHenry, P. (2006). The Economic Impact of Colleges and Universities.

Swenson, D. (2011). Measuring University Contributions to Regional Economies: A Discussion of Guidelines for Enhancing Credibility.

Resources related to New Metrics Field Guide: Measuring University Contributions to the Economy

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2010). Report to the National Science Foundation: Workshop to Identify New Measures of University Contributions to Regional Economic Growth.

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2013). APLU New Metrics Development: Report to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration.

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2013). APLU CICEP New Metrics Project Analysis: A Report to the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES).

General Resources Related to the Economic Engagement Framework

Arbo, P. and Benneworth, P. (2007). Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review.

Boekema, F. and Rutten, R. (Eds.) (2014). Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge, Infrastructure and Learning Regions.

Clifton, J. (2011). The Coming Jobs War.

Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP), Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2014). Assessment Tools for Examining the Role of Universities in Economic Development.

Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP), Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2014). Economic Impact Guidelines.

Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP), Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. (2014). New Metrics Field Guide: Measuring University Contributions to the Economy.

Franklin, N.E. (2009). The Need is Now: University Engagement in Regional Economic Development.

Lane, J. (Ed.) (2012). Universities and Colleges as Economic Drivers: Measuring Higher Education’s Role in Economic Development.

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. (2013). The Innovative and Entrepreneurial University: Higher Education, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Focus.

Shaffer, D.F. and Wright, D.J. (2010). A New Paradigm for Economic Development How Higher Education Institutions Are Working to Revitalize Their Regional and State Economies.

Tornatsky, L.G. and Rideout, E.C. (2014). Innovation U 2.0: Reinventing University Roles in a Knowledge Economy.

Trani, E.P. and Holsworth, R.D. (2013). The Indispensable University: Higher Education, Economic Development, and the Knowledge Economy.