Our Work

Coalition of Urban Serving Universities

Coalition universities are major contributors to their local economies and have a stake in their success. With their investments, expertise and collaboration with local governments and non-profit organizations, USU campuses are revitalizing urban neighborhoods and researching issues that support city planning and development.

The Coalition of Urban Serving Universities is a president-led organization. The initiative strands of the USU urban agenda are guided by key higher education leaders, an active board of directors, USU members and engagement with community partners.

Current projects include Urban Universities for Health and the Transformational Planning Grant (TPG) a national student success initiative that is developing promising practices, community engagement, and replicable pathways that are changing higher education and transforming lives by graduating more low income, first generation, students of color.

Urban University, the USU blog, highlights research, practices, publications, and leadership insights from urban serving universities.

In addition, coalition institutions use innovative research to create new businesses, transfer technology, and develop industry clusters in cutting-edge fields.

Activities we undertake are:
Data collection and dissemination including our latest reports, Urban Universities Developing a Health Workforce that Meets Community Needs and The Foundational Role of Universities as Anchor Institutions in Urban Development.